Rockschool with their 4th single 'Telai Dalam Atiku' review
'Telai Dalam Atiku', it's the 4th single by Rockschool band.
The mature of Rockschool songs, lyrics and music video can bee seen on their 'Telai Dalam Atiku' official music video.
Thumb-up to Rockschool band member for their hard work on this 4th single.
A little bit synopsis on single 'Telai Dalam Atiku' as mention by Rockschool.
"This song 'Telai Dalam Atiku' tells a man who can not accept the fact that his partner is gone, he still feels his partner is still alive and through the day as usual, the man's family has been trying to find him who has escaped from home. Because he could not accept the statement, he finally became insane."
"Single ke - 4 untuk band Rockschool, lagu ini mengisahkan seorang lelaki yg tidak dapat menerima kenyataan bahawa pasangannya telah tiada, dia masih merasakan pasangan nya itu masih hidup dan melalui harinya seperti biasa, keluarga lelaki tersebut telah berusaha mencari dia yang telah melarikan diri dari rumah. Kerana tidak dapat menerima kenyataan tersebut, akhirnya lelaki itu menjadi tidak siuman." - Rockschool
Let us enjoy their 4th single 'Telai Dalam Atiku' below and do comment.
Compose: Rizal Rockschool
Music: Rizal Takin
Muusic Arrengment: Rizal Rockschool
Studio Record: The Colours Studio
Video: Jerry Joseph
Still not enough; let review the lyrics and you shall knew the story behind this song 'Telai Dalam Atiku', need some imagination to review it.
Telai Dalam Atiku by Rockschool lyrics
Verse 1:
Ari jauh ayas nuan ayan
Datai segenda dipeda ilas mata
Sangka ku nyata nuan di menua
Tua bertemu bangat enda lama
Verse 2;
Penatai nuan sempama aie mata
Nerutu naya lenyap pia aja
Bergadai ku nyingkang nuju nuan kumang
Asai ka datai ari pan nyau lemai...
Beguai Amai nuan mupuk pulai
Melakang ke aku malik ke bukai
Kemayang nuan ngundang udah lesap terebai
Asai ka megai tang enda ga datai..
Nyema tua enda ulih begulai asi
Nama ke buah nuan tauk pegi
Ujan labuh nambah penguji
Ngemasah semua jadi mimpi...
Lelap ke mata ku asi
Ngambi ku enda ngasai nuan dah pegi
Datai meh merap ku telai dalam atiku
Nuan enseput ba dadaku....
It's been great to hear their 4th single 'Telai Dalam Atiku', I wish Rockschool their success all the way and hope the existing of this band shall be recognized.
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Rockschool single 'Telai Dalam Atiku' review.