Julita James 'Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi' Album Review
Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi, is the titled of a new album from Julita James that produce and released under LUH music production.
For fan of Julita James out there, hey.. you may get this album right-now cause is on sell.
FYI, Julita James 'Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi' album contain 8 tracks that will be entertain you all.
Not to delay more, just check out the list tracks from the album Julita James 'Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi'.
Check this track-listing of Julita James 'Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi' Album Review;
1. Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi
2. Labuh Tinggang Lesung
3. Perasa
4. Sintak Ulak Mulai
5. Hepi Sampai Pagi
6. Nuan Dulu Mungkal
7. Sarawak Pegari Serata Dunya
8. Ukai Enda Pecaya
9. Kaul Tua Bisi Sempadan
Playlist: Julita James 'Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi' Album Review;
***sorry not all tracks songs from the album available on this playlist but you may got the idea and the tune of this Julita James 'Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi' album review.All track-list of Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi (Julita James) album are property and copyright of their actual owners and provided for information resource for music lovers interested only to their favorite songs.
Support the artiste, album and the production by buying the ORIGINAL copy of CD/DVD and mp3 that legally provided from them.
Enggai Disalah Nuan Agi (Julita James) Album Review; LUH.